Ford F-150 with 10-Speed Transmission Defects Gets Lemon Law Settlement Offer of $165,000

In a recent case revealing the depths of Ford’s 10-speed transmission defects, our client has received a settlement offer of $165,000.00 – an amount more than twice the total sales price of his 2022 Ford F-150.

Donovan Langford, represented by Roger Kirnos and Armando Lopez, purchased a new 2022 Ford F-150 in February 2022 for a total sales price of $65,404.75. Throughout his ownership of the truck, it showed recurring defects commonly associated with Ford’s 10R80 transmission: gear slipping, lurching, and total loss of power.

According to our client’s repair history, his Ford F-150’s defects appeared as early as December 2022. He reported that while stopped or idling, his truck often felt like it was shifting gears. This issue persisted for several months. On July 5, 2023, Langford took his vehicle to the dealership and reported that the transmission slips in all gears, and when at a stop, it tries to lurch forward and make noise. During the repair, the technicians found that seals for various components were damaged, and some transmission parts showed evidence of grinding.

Three months after the initial repair, Donovan brought his truck in for regular maintenance. The technicians noticed the gear shifting issues in his vehicle. Due to a lack of parts at the time, Donovan had to wait a week for his vehicle to be repaired.

His transmission issues worsened to the point that Donovan suspected his truck would give out at any moment. A month later, his truck lost all power. He took his vehicle to the dealership to address an open recall and other vehicle issues. Though his car remained in the shop for a week, Langford said his vehicle still had recurring issues after he picked it up from the dealership.

In January 2024, Langford was driving his truck to Las Vegas when the transmission failed on him completely. When he had the chance to look under the hood, he noticed that transmission fluid coated the engine and that his truck was emitting black smoke. When he took his truck back to the dealership in his town of current residence, he was informed that his transmission pump had given out. It took his dealership a month to acquire the necessary parts needed to repair his truck. In total, his vehicle was at the dealership for about two months.

A truck commonly marketed to the working man should not have such a vital component fall apart right when the driver needs the truck to work as promised. However, repeated failures of 10R80 transmissions in Ford vehicles may mean more California consumers finding out that their vehicles are defective.

Knight Law Group is the leading lemon law firm in California. When auto manufacturers release entire lineups of cars with common, pervasive defects, our lemon law attorneys hold those manufacturers responsible and get affected consumers the restitution they need and rightfully deserve.

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